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    Kitten  69, Female, California, USA - 88 entries
Aug 2008
12:50 AM PDT

Back on Track

Ok, so here I go again. I've got to travel over the same ground, I know the drill: exercise, eat right, eat less, no sugary or salty�snacks and stop the wine (boo-hoo).�

Oh the joys of dieting, I can do it but it just isn't fun at all! Why me? I've been good over the years, I've been exercising, eating right, yada-yada. But somehow the lb-s added up. First it was 5 extra and I struggled to loose them for quite some time until recently I resigned that they're part of the menopause phase and I'd have to live with them. It's "OK" I told myself,�"When the pandemic hits I'll suvive longer than the skinny broads out there".�Then I decided to stay off the scale for awhile, "As long as my clothes fit right what difference does the number make" is what I was telling myself. I have a friend, Cheri, and she doesn't even own a scale and she's got a great figure! Well, she did just have a tummy-tuck and a boob-job,� I did't think she needed either and now she's even more perfect (trying not to envy her).

Anyway, back to my thought, she's told me that I shouldn't obsess over the number on the scale and I've read that same thing so I gave it a shot and to my dismay I am rewarded with another 5lbs!! Thankyousomuch!

Welp, today's another day and I've got another chance so I'm going to give it my best effort. I feel energized and optomistic. I believe I can achieve my goal which is 10lbs lost. I have plenty of support from my hubbie and family, they'll enjoy eating the healthy foods too�and cheer me on. I�look forward to hearing praise-I remember how good it felt in the past, everyone loves recognition for their efforts. I look forward to having better�thoughts about myself�too, I�was thinking about the last time I saw that magic number on the scale and I clearly remember thinking that it could have been better. Today I'm kicking myself for not being happier with myself, when I get back to that number I'm going to be proud and not spend a moment thinking thoughts of�inadequacy. Being critical of myself hasn't paid off in the long run, from now on I'm going to be a good friend to myself and feel good about ME.

I can do it!

Gotta go, I've got�some sweatin to do!! I'll check back on Monday after my weigh-in. �

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    pinkhuntinggirl13  31, Female, Canada - 2 entries
May 2008
8:08 AM CDT

Wow! My First Online Journal Entry

Wow, I can't believe it! My first online journal entry. I've now been doing my food diary for 10 days! I can't believe how much I eat sometimes and at other times so little! I think I'm going to journal about my weight loss and one day, weight management. It's so exciting. Last time that I weight myself I was slightly over 170 lbs. But, of course, that's been a while. I know that I haven't flucuated though, much since last year.

On a different note, Pre-Calc is so difficult, my mark is 47%. I only need 56% though on the exam to pass. Then it's finished!! It's finally getting warm outside which of course is a welcome change!

At this rate, I think I will never babysit again!! It bothers me so much!!��I mean you can't honestly only need your babysitter for February and March every week and then be done with her and not need her till you feel really bad two years later!!��It actually makes me really sad because I love the boys so much and more time spent with them, the better. Oh, well! It's not like there's anything I can do about it!

I welcome your suggestions, comments and notes and would love to reply! Thanks.

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    yoeythamas  36, Male, New York, USA - 23 entries
Jun 2015
6:26 AM IST

5 ways to lose weight fast

Want to know down those extra pounds and get slimmer, attractive looking figure? Well, here 5 ways to help you lose weight and look and feel smart and fit.

  1. Limit your intake of carbohydrates-carbs trigger the discharge of insulin. Insulin is the evil hormone that is responsible for storage of fat in the body. Instead, take foods that are high in protein and fat.

  2. Take lot of protein-protein rich diet boosts metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day. A modified protein diet is believed to reduce food cravings by 60% and desire for snacking by 50%.

  3. Eat foods that aid in weight loss- studies reveal that there are many foods that are weight loss friendly. Including them in your everyday diet can help you reduce weight fast. Some such foods are whole eggs, leafy greens, salmon, cheese, boiled potatoes, lean beef, chicken breast, beans, legumes, tuna, grapefruit, and nuts.

  4. Exercise-exercising is really important if you want to lose weight. Exercising ensures that the body’s metabolism doesn’t get slow and is able to support the fat burning process. Even simple exercises like swimming, cycling, and walking are effective in losing weight.

  5. Get adequate sleep-if you do not take adequate sleep, your body tends to release certain hormones that trigger fat accumulation in the body. Sleep for 7-8 hours to keep yourself healthy and fit.

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